Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Poets and writers in Germany

Poets and writers in the 20th and 21st Centuries in Germany

Literature in Germany is composed of written works of German speaking citizens of central Europe. The literature has shared concepts from the history to the politics of Germany. These aspects are discontinuity and fragmentation (Gerstenberger 20).
In the last decades, especially the 20th century, literature was predominantly influenced by international postmodernism (Gerstenberger 24). It was a movement that brought together heterogeneous elements for the purposes of appealing to a more sophisticated, as well as a popular readership. Pastiche, parody and multiple allusions amongst other cultural productions signify postmodern literature. Factors in poetry such as narratives, recipes for favourite and common German dishes, interludes, fairy tales, contemporary feminism were at first misunderstood since they were judged in accordance to the standards that had been set to define canonical modern novels. After being viewed in the perspective of postmodernism, the next stage was critical analysis and re-evaluation (Gerstenberger 30).

After the fall of the Berlin wall, which happened in 1989, writers got a chance to explore and understand the tensions that existed between East and West Germany. An intense debate that touched on East Germany’s experience, which was under communism, arose. The main concern was to establish whether the mental need to unite with the experience would be compared to the act of soul-searching that happened subsequently after the Second World War. Monika Maron, a renowned poet, addressed this issue in her novel, Stille Zeile (Gerstenberger 40).

Finally, a new generation emerged in the 21st century that provided a reunification in their style of writing and critics (Gerstenberger 43). Poets like Helden Wie came up with interesting novels that debated on subjects like the role of the secret police in Germany and the importance of peace amongst other captivating subjects. The Nazi also continued to engage in German mode of writing (Gerstenberger 56). The panache of writing and the complexity of the information that is put into writing today are different from that which was done five decades ago (Gerstenberger 67).

Works Cited
Gerstenberger, Katharina. German Literature in a New Century: Trends, Traditions, Transitions, Transformations. New York: Berghahn, 2008. Print.

1 comment:

  1. are you doing your own seperate presentation since you already did research on the project topics, or where you planning on still doing it with the rest of the group?
