Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Berlin calling

Berlin calling film is about culture, music and dance. The movie portrays the drugs role and its connections to music and dancing. Lckarus tours the techno clubs in preparation to release a new studio album. In his touring, he is accompanied by Mathilde, her girlfriend. Lckarus takes drug to enable him to party and work day and night (Berling calling). To him, drugs mean a motivation to work.
 Lckarus has very loyal fans. Every hall in which he appears is packed to capacity. His fans abuse drugs in the halls in order to stay alert for a long time. RP Kahl, a drug dealer, keeps the fans and Lckarus supplied with pharmaceuticals and cocaine. These are drugs that are abused by his fans.
The subculture of Lckarus focuses on drug because they have perception that drug helps individual to be hardworking, creative and innovative. However, this is wrong belief because the main actor, lckarus, becomes unsuccessful and unable to work due to drugs.
There is difference between the people that are shown in this movie and those in my home society.  The standards are not the same. Majority of people in the film takes cocaine and pharmaceutical drugs. RP Kahl, a drug dealer supplies those drugs to Lckarus and his fans. Contrary, in my home society, many people do not abuse drugs.  In addition, musician in my society dot not consume drugs.
 Germany is always depicted as greatly industrialized nation. That cannot be changed by the culture of youth as shown in the movie. Many societies in the world abuse drugs and Germany is not an exception. Work ethics of Alice and lckarus will only serve to show how intoxication can negatively affect hope and future of people.
  Trainspotting, a movie of US origin, is very similar with Berlin calling film (Trainspotting). The movie is about Mark Renton who abuses drugs. His habits affect his relationship with friends and family. Both movies capture the reality of life. They bring out clearly the themes of intoxication, future, relationship, love and the lust for life.

Berling calling. IOUICG. 15 10 2008. 25 10 2014 <http://www.ibiza-voice.com>.

Trainspotting. Drugs Forum. 12 November 2002. 25 10 2014 <https://www.drugs-forum.com>.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Topic 5

Research the German music scene.

          When it comes to music, Germany is home to some of the best-renowned performers, composers, and producers in the world. Germany boasts of being the3rd largest music market in the world and the main music marketplace in Europe. Worldwide, German classical music is the most renowned and commonly performed. The beginning of German music could be tracked back to the early 12th century compositions; these were highlighted by Hided of Bingen who composed a variety of hymns. After religious music, mainly in Latin, dominated for centuries, the minnesingers also known as love poets spread across Germany. They were later replaced by Meistersingers two centuries later, their music was more rule based and formalized compared to the Minnesingers. During the 15th century, German, traditional music was transformed by Oswald Von Wolkenstein, he travelled across the continent and brought back some styles and techniques to his homeland. These styles and techniques brought about new forms of music in the 16th century, such as the chorale, opera, baroque music, and romantic music.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Thomas Linley in the family unit of Gavard des Pivets in Florence 1770
In the 20th century, German music evolved further and it was the period which saw the birth of the German folk music. The German folk music includes Swabia, Sorbs, Bavaria, and Oom-pah. Between World War 1 and World War 2, German music became more independent and liberal in styles (Heisler,354). These included the kabarett and swing movement styles of music. The post war period saw a lot of influence from the USA and Great Britain on German music. This was the period in which pop music and rock music became famous in Germany. Different forms of music arose as a result of this influence, they included Ostrok, Neue Deutsche Welle, synthpop and eurodance, reggae, dancehall, ska, funk, soul, R&B, Hiphop, punk, Jazz, Electronic music, techno, and Metal(Kater,79)

     Scorpions were the foremost German intense metal band to be very successful abroad, ultimately selling  above 100 million folders worldwide.

Works Cited
Monod, David. Settling Scores: German Music, Denazification, and the Americans, 1945-1953. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005. Internet resource.
Heisler, Wayne. "Karen Painter. Symphonic Aspirations: German Music and Politics, 1900–1945. Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press, 2007. Pp. 354." Austrian History Yearbook.41 (2010). Print.
Kater, Michael H. The Twisted Muse: Musicians and Their Music in the Third Reich. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Print.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chapter 3
Group Members:
Mohammed A
Andrew P
Tatiana S

Kropp: He is a thinker and he suggests that instead of the soldiers fighting against each other during  war that declaration of war be a festival where ministers and generals armed with clubs fight among themselves. then whichever side wins the festival wins the war.

Katczinsky (also called Kat) : He is the one who always scavenge for food with success. He finds Horse flesh and bread in an area an artillery man claims there is nothing to found. He also knows how to cook.

Haie Westthus: He held Himmelstoss down during his beating and he gave the coup de grâce to Himmelstoss during his beating. He knows how to operate under Kat's orders.

Tjaden : Since he has a grudge against Himmelstoss he is the one who gets satisfaction from beating Himmelstoss mostly. He gains some self-satisfaction by getting his revenge against Himmelstoss for his “treatment” for wetting the bed. Being part of the beating made him less afraid of Himmelstoss.

Himmelstoss: He was a postman before the war and he became a drill sergeant after enrolling in the war. He is beaten by a group of soldiers he is in charged of because he abuses of his authority. Himmelstoss begins to lose his authority over his men who no longer fear him after they beat him. he did not discover who beat him.His superiors praise him for being strict but the soldiers despise him for that.

Paul : He is closed to Haie because they knew each other just before living for the front. He had the bed cover that was use to cover Himmelstoss during the beating. Tjaden and him were the one who covered him when he entered the barracks.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Major Character -Tjaden


           My name is Tjaden. I am one of Paul's friends in Second Company.
I am very thin and hungry all the time. I love eating more than any of the others
in second company.